curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" https://[your-subdomain]
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
number Optional |
Filter buyers for a telephone number.
paused Optional |
Filter buyers that are either paused or unpaused.
page Optional |
Return the next page of results.
per_page Optional |
How many results to return per page. The default is 25.
created_at_to Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
created_at_from Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
fulltext Optional |
Search for any record that matches this text
time_zone Optional |
Date ranges will be parsed using this time zone.
columns Optional |
Specify the columns you would like returned by the API for a given resource.
Limiting the columns can significantly increase API response time since only the requested data will be processed.
Must be any combination of:
root Optional |
order Optional |
Sort results by this field.
order_dir Optional |
Sort results in ascending or descending order.
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"tier":"-10","name":"new name"}' https://[your-subdomain]
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
reset_total_caps Optional |
user_buyer_id Optional |
Your external ID for this buyer.
number Optional |
The DID or SIP endpoint to call. DID must be prefixed with +{country code}. Example: to dial a number in the USA, enter +1 followed by the 10 digit DID number, in UK it would be +44 followed by the DID number. To transfer a call via SIP, begin the number with 'sip:'.
name Optional |
The name for this buyer that will appear on menus and in logs.
timeout_seconds Optional |
Determines the time in seconds the call should ring. Must be at least 12 seconds. If the call is not answered within the ring timeout value or the default value of 120 s, it is canceled.
dtmf_tones Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Play DTMF tones when the call is answered. This is useful when dialing a phone number and an extension. Your provider will dial the number, and when the automated system picks up, sends the DTMF tones to connect to the extension. E.g. If you want to dial the 2410 extension after the call is connected, and you want to wait for a few seconds before sending the extension, add a few leading 'w' characters. Each 'w' character waits 0.5 second before sending a digit. Each 'W' character waits 1 second before sending a digit.
time_zone Optional |
Date ranges will be parsed using this time zone.
buyer_suppression_ids Optional Blank Value Allowed |
The list of internal suppression id's that will be assigned to this buyer.
paused Optional |
Pause or unpause the buyer.
record_calls Optional |
Enable or Disable call recordings for this Buyer.
press_one_to_accept Optional Blank Value Allowed |
After answering the call the Buyer must Press 1 before being connected to the Caller.
generate_team Optional |
Grant access to edit this Buyer, and view calls that it paid for.
team_users_emails Optional Blank Value Allowed |
The selected users will recieve an email invitation to collaborate on your company.
team_offer_ids Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Team members can view calls made to these Offers that were paid for by their Buyer.
record_token_filter_list Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Assign filters to the object by passing an array of key:value pairs
record_token_additional_list Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Assign additional tokens that will be applied to leads and calls by passing a comma separated string of key:value pairs.
route_by_type Optional |
Configure how calls will be routed to this Buyer. When routing by revenue the tier will be automatically calculated by taking the revenue for the current timeframe * -1.
tier Optional Blank Value Allowed |
When routing by revenue the tier will not be used. Buyers with the lowest tier are considered first for calls (a tier may be negative if needed). For buyers with the same tier, the weight will then be used to calculate the % of calls the buyer gets within that tier.
epc_timeframe Optional Blank Value Allowed |
The number of hours used when calculating the
epc_assumed_amount Optional Blank Value Allowed |
epc_assumed_calls_count Optional Blank Value Allowed |
The number of calls required during
weight Optional Blank Value Allowed |
The Weight of this buyer will be divided by the Total Weight of all buyers at this same Tier to get the % of calls this buyer will get within this Tier.
display_caller_id_type Optional |
Select which Caller ID will be sent to this Buyer.
display_trackdrive_number_id Optional Blank Value Allowed |
The Trackdrive number to display when display_caller_id_type=display_trackdrive_number_id
concurrency_cap_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Choose the number of concurrent calls that can be forwarded to this buyer simultaneously.
attempt_total_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Attempt caps limit the number of times a buyer can be attempted in a given interval.
attempt_monthly_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Monthly Attempt Cap
attempt_daily_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Daily Attempt Cap
connection_total_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Connection caps limit the number of times a buyer can be connected in a given interval.
connection_monthly_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Monthly Connection Cap
connection_daily_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Daily Connection Cap
buyer_conversion_total_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Conversion caps limit the number of times a buyer can convert in a given interval.
buyer_conversion_monthly_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Monthly Conversion Cap
buyer_conversion_daily_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Daily Conversion Cap
revenue_total_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Revenue caps limit the dollar amount that can be paid by a buyer in a given interval.
revenue_monthly_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Monthly $ Revenue Cap
revenue_daily_limit Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Daily $ Revenue Cap
business_hours_schedule Optional |
Day is an integer representing the day of the week, 0..6, with Sunday == 0. [ { attempt_hourly_limit: 10, connection_hourly_limit: 10, buyer_conversion_hourly_limit: 10, revenue_hourly_limit: 10, schedule: [ { day: 0, times: ["11:00..13:09", "14:00..15:09"] }, { day: 1, times: ["11:10..18:39", "19:10..23:39"] } ] } ]
buyer_conversions_schedule Optional |
Day is an integer representing the day of the week, 0..6, with Sunday == 0. [ { buyer_conversions_attributes: [ { name: '10$ conversion at 1 minute, deduped every 2 hours', duration: 60, revenue: 10, duplicate_timeframe: 7200 } ], schedule: [{"day":0,"times":["00:00..23:59"]},{"day":1,"times":["00:00..23:59"]},{"day":2,"times":["00:00..23:59"]},{"day":3,"times":["00:00..23:59"]},{"day":4,"times":["00:00..23:59"]},{"day":5,"times":["00:00..23:59"]},{"day":6,"times":["00:00..23:59"]}] } ]
current_conversion_revenue_max Optional |
The maximum valid revenue for the current time frame.
current_conversion_revenue_min Optional |
The minimum valid revenue for the current time frame.
current_conversion_revenue_increment Optional |
Bids must be increased/decreased by this amount for the current time frame.
current_conversion_revenue Optional |
The number of dollars paid per call in increments of $0.01 for the current time frame.
current_conversion_duration Optional |
The number of seconds for a call to payout. If this is set to 0 the call will convert when this buyer is dialed for the current time frame.
current_conversion_duplicate_timeframe Optional |
The period of time that must elapse before a buyer will pay for the same caller to be transferred.
current_conversion_name Optional |
This name that will appear in call logs.
current_conversion_token_values Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Conversion will only occur if the caller matches these filters.
current_conversion_attribution_token_values Optional Blank Value Allowed |
If the call converts, these tokens will be applied to the call.
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"Call Centre 1", "number": "+18004457682"}' https://[your-subdomain]
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
copy_another_buyer Optional |
Copy another buyer?
curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE "https://[your-subdomain]"
Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass