curl -H "Authorization: Basic BASE64_ENCODED_PUBLIC_KEY_AND_PRIVATE_KEY" "https://[your-subdomain] 15:34:59 UTC&created_at_to=2025-02-19 03:34:59 +0000&stat=count"
Param name |
group_by Required |
Group calls by one of these attributes.
stat Required |
Return statistics on the grouped calls by one of these numeric columns.
created_at_to Required |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
created_at_from Required |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
page Optional |
Return the next page of results.
offer_repeat_caller Optional |
Match calls where the Traffic Source had a repeat caller.
buyer_repeat_caller Optional |
Match calls where the Buyer had a repeat caller.
buyer_converted Optional |
Did the buyer convert?
offer_converted Optional |
Did the traffic source convert?
in_progress Optional |
Match calls that are on-going
placed_on_hold Optional |
Was the call placed on hold?
has_recording Optional |
Match calls that have a recording.
either_converted Optional |
Whether this call's buyer or traffic source has converted.
buyer_conversion_duplicated_call Optional |
Match calls where the callerID was a duplicate against the Buyer's conversion settings.
offer_conversion_duplicated_call Optional |
Match calls where the callerID was a duplicate against the Traffic Source's conversion settings.
no_buyer Optional |
Match calls that didn't connect to a Buyer
token_key Optional |
Calls that are tagged with this token will be matched. EG: token_key=buyer_id will return all calls that have a buyer_id token.
token_value Optional |
Will match calls that are tagged with a token:value. EG: token_key=buyer_id:12345 will return all calls that have a buyer_id token with the value set to 12345.
order Optional |
Sort results by this field.
order_dir Optional |
Sort results in ascending or descending order.
number_id Optional |
Refer to the number api for details
offer_id Optional |
Refer to the offer api for details
schedule_id Optional |
Schedule internal id.
traffic_source_id Optional |
Refer to the traffic source api for details
buyer_id Optional |
Refer to the buyer api for details
buyer_group_ids Optional |
Buyer Group Internal ids.
ring_pool_id Optional |
Refer to the Number Pool api for details
id Optional |
An Integer number eg: 12345
provider_configuration_id Optional |
Refer to the provider api for details
contact_id Optional |
Match calls that were placed by this caller.
status Optional |
Match results that have this status.
ended_at_to Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:00:15 -0500
ended_at_from Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:00:15 -0500